Rebecca Dunham is the author of five books of poetry. Her most recent book, Strike, was the 2018 New Issues Poetry & Prose Editor’s Choice. Her first book,The Miniature Room, won the 2016 T.S. Eliot Prize. Her second book, The Flight Cage, was a Tupelo Press Open Reading Selection. Glass Armonica was awarded the 2013 Lindquist and Vennum Poetry Prize and was published by Milkweed Editions. In 2017, Cold Pastoral was also published by Milkweed. Dunham’s chapbook, Fascicle, is available from dancing girl press.
Dunham has received national fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Sustainable Arts Foundation. In spring of 2015, she was the Arts and Letters Distinguished Visiting Writer at Bowling Green State University.
Her poems have been published by journals such as AGNI, The Southern Review, Kenyon Review, FIELD, Alaska Quarterly Review, and The Antioch Review. She is Professor of English at UW-Milwaukee and lives in Madison, Wisconsin.